Tuesday 9 February 2016

Table Top Game Club Week 19 and 20: Chickens, Hunters, and Open House

Whew...Long time, no type.  Since my last post we had Final Exams and the beginning of the new semester.  Luckily the club managed to get their game on and get in some good sessions. 

Week 19 had only one day of gaming, a great session of Sheriff of Nottingham.  If you're familiar with the blog, you know how much I love the game.  I gave it some kudos in my Top Five Board Games for the Holiday Season discussion.  This game is a club favourite, and thankfully can accommodate five players.  It was a great session.

After a week of Final Exams and Semester turn-around, we were back to the games with one I've been wanting to debut with the club for quite some time: Specter Ops.  For those new to the game, Specter Ops is a "hidden movement" game, where one of up to five players takes on the role of Agent, a data thief who specializes in stealth. The remaining players team up as the Hunters, a group of futuristic humanoids (I use the term loosely) whose job is to track down and eliminate the Agent.  The Agent tracks their movement on a sheet of paper which is a map of the game board.  Hunters use special abilities and teamwork to track down the Agent.  In a five player game, one Hunter is in fact a traitor secretly working with the Agent.  We never played the five player variant, but I hope we get the chance.  Tuesday's session had two games of Specter Ops while another group played Love Letter.  In both games of Specter Ops the Agent scored their objectives, but were eliminated before they could escape from the board (the final requirement of the Agent).  Friday's game session once again featured Specter Ops as well as a couple games of Splendor.  The Agent was killed again, but finally picked up a win in the second game.  As the Agent, I managed some smart manoeuvring, but if I wasn't playing as Orangutan (the Agent with the most health) I surely would have lost.  This is a great game with very easy set up.  In a two hour session, it's easy to get in two games.

This week was also my school's Open House, an evening where we open the school and run tours for Grade 8 students who are considering our collegiate for next year.  The various clubs in my school set up displays to advertise what is available to students in our school.  Using display cases, I set up games that have great visual appeal, or games that could fit in the case after bigger games were set up.  If you look closely you can see I used Zombie 15, Diamonds, Pandemic, Age of War, Hive, Splendor, Blokus, Camel Up, and Mission Red Planet.